EmPRO International Limited
Captive insurance companies offer a unique alternative to traditional relationships with commercial insurance companies.
Policyholders with access to a captive have an opportunity to share risks and enjoy rewards derived from improved claims experience.
EmPRO’s Bermuda-based captive, EmPRO International Limited (formerly, Futuro Insurance Company, Ltd.), a licensed Class III rent-a-captive facility formed in 1999, was established to afford a turn-key, cost efficient vehicle to facilitate risk sharing with EmPRO policyholders. Participating physicians, healthcare providers, and groups will receive an EmPRO primary policy reinsured in part by a legally segregated “cell” of EmPRO International in which insureds have an ownership stake.
Through risk sharing, a physician group’s professional liability premium, loss results and net cost of insurance will align. In addition, income from the investments of the physicians’ funds, structured to preserve principal and deliver a competitive rate of return, will be earmarked for their own benefit. Profits generally take three to five years to be realized and distributed. EmPRO will continue to provide comprehensive services and claims support to participating policyholders in the usual and customary manner.
Healthcare providers can select from a variety of options for risk sharing, including quota share or excess of loss reinsurance arrangements. Premium will be allocated to correlate with the amount of risk assumed by each of the parties. All billing and collection of premium from participating policyholders will be EmPRO’s responsibility.

EmPRO International Limited
Captive insurance companies offer a unique alternative to traditional relationships with commercial insurance companies.
Policyholders with access to a captive have an opportunity to share risks and enjoy rewards derived from improved claims experience.
EmPRO’s Bermuda-based captive, EmPRO International Limited (formerly, Futuro Insurance Company, Ltd.), a licensed Class III rent-a-captive facility formed in 1999, was established to afford a turn-key, cost efficient vehicle to facilitate risk sharing with EmPRO policyholders. Participating physicians, healthcare providers, and groups will receive an EmPRO primary policy reinsured in part by a legally segregated “cell” of EmPRO International in which insureds have an ownership stake.
Through risk sharing, a physician group’s professional liability premium, loss results and net cost of insurance will align. In addition, income from the investments of the physicians’ funds, structured to preserve principal and deliver a competitive rate of return, will be earmarked for their own benefit. Profits generally take three to five years to be realized and distributed. EmPRO will continue to provide comprehensive services and claims support to participating policyholders in the usual and customary manner.
Healthcare providers can select from a variety of options for risk sharing, including quota share or excess of loss reinsurance arrangements. Premium will be allocated to correlate with the amount of risk assumed by each of the parties. All billing and collection of premium from participating policyholders will be EmPRO’s responsibility.